Pho VN also aims to offer you Taiwanese Boba tea. Tea holds immense importance in Asian culture and has been an integral part of the region's traditions for thousands of years. Many Cultures hold Tea ceremonies such as Chinese Gongfu tea, Japanese Chanoyu tea ceremony.
It was the 1980s. a period when the Taiwanese people had an insatiable thirst for innovative Beverages, It’s within this backdrop that the fascinating story of the birth of Boba Tea, also known as bubble tea, began. Tea is freshly brewed from tea leave and shaken. As a result, Fine air bubbles on top with rich and silky iced tea were born. A chewy goodness Boba is added into those drinks. Soon, boba tea shops began to sprout up all over Taiwan. The trend quickly spread beyond Taiwan’s borders, captivating the taste buds of people around the world.